Jan 2020
Shot seal and sea lion numbers on the rise again
Jan/09/20 04:42 PM

A fresh-dead Steller sea lion, weighing approximately 1600 lbs, was examined near the same location in Gig Harbor on December 5. The head, weighing almost 200 lbs, was removed by WA Department of Fish and Wildlife MMI and taken for radiographs. The massive sea lion had 14 projectiles in the head and neck, from at least 4 different types of weapons. Some were older wounds.
Additionally, Seal Sitters received word this afternoon that the dead California sea lion necropsied in West Seattle on January 3 died from gunshot. The animal washed ashore on Christmas Day. Radiographs revealed projectiles in the skull of the 600+ lb animal.
This was the second stranded pinniped in exactly a month in West Seattle. Pictured above, a fresh-dead California sea lion was found shot through the back on November 25. Below, is a photo of the large slug that caused tremendous internal damage, resulting in hours of suffering.
These are just a few disturbing cases among many.

TIME PERIOD AUGUST 16, 2019 - JAN 9, 2020:
9 pinnipeds confirmed shot dead
(7 California sea lions, 1 Steller sea lion and 1 harbor seal)
4 “suspicious” dead pinnipeds; cause of death undetermined
All marine mammals are protected from harm by Federal law, the Marine Mammal Protection Act. This past Fall, corresponding with fish runs, Seal Sitters hotline (206-905-7325) and first responders received numerous reports of shots fired out on the water, often at night.
NOAA urges the public to report any information or incidents they see or hear to NOAA Office of Law Enforcement: during regular business hours, call 206-526-6133, after hours 1-800-853-1964. A vigilant public - eyes and ears along the waterfront - is a valuable resource for enforcement and might help solve these potential crimes.
The Fall and Winter of 2018 was an especially deadly season for sea lions as well. Read more about last year’s disturbing incidents here.
Grim holidays - two dead sea lions in West Seattle
Jan/03/20 02:45 PM

Seal Sitters MMSN First Responder David Hutchinson coordinated with Seattle Parks who agreed to dispose of the carcass so that a limited necropsy could be done on the animal. Orca Researcher Mark Sears offered to tow the carcass to Don Armeni boat ramp since no disposal was possible on the public beach. Casey McLean of SR3 performed the necropsy today with the assistance of SS First Responder David Delgado, removing the head for radiographs to try to determine if the animal had been shot.
A second sea lion which stranded dead on November 25 had already been confirmed dead by gunshot. A large projectile was removed from the body, having done significant internal damage to organs and bone.
Results from today’s necropsy will be posted on this blog when the X-rays have been completed.
UPDATE 1/9/20
Radiographs have revealed projectiles in the head of the Christmas Day sea lion. Fragments from the skull will be turned over as evidence to NOAA Office of Law Enforcement.