Squid lures seal pups and fishermen to area piers
Nov/19/14 08:58 AM

The most common species is “market squid” (Loligo opalescens) which is found in Washington inland waters year-round, but more abundant during the cold late fall months through February. Measuring about 8”, these squid are called calamari when served in restaurants. However, not only are they a taste delight for diners, they are also a favorite delicacy of young harbor seal pups.

Unfortunately, fishing piers can pose dangers for seals of all ages. Hungry seals are also attracted to light and fishing lures, especially those with clinging 8-armed squid or baited with small fish. A swallowed lure is almost always fatal and discarded monofilament line can be equally hazardous - always dispose of fishing gear responsibly! We do hope Squidoo continues to forage safely around the pier and pack on a thick layer of blubber for warmth in the cold, challenging months ahead.
Though hardly robust, Squidoo was certainly on the plump side compared to the skinny pups we have monitored this very strange seal pup season. Seal Sitters MMSN has not had a response to a live pup onshore since October 27th. Typically, October is a very busy month for responders and volunteers who look after a myriad of pups in all sizes and conditions. Not so this season with fewer pups and more deaths. Squidoo was a welcome sight and long overdue.