Seal weaner Gobble is a Thanksgiving treat
Dec/02/17 05:09 PM

On Tuesday, the 21st, a weaned seal kept Seal Sitters responders hopping. Early in the morning, Hotline Operator Larry received a call that there was a seal at Don Armeni public boat launch. First Responders David and Eilene arrived promptly, but all three cement ramps were empty. They did some snooping around the area and discovered a weaner seal in the rocks, just north of the ramp, facing the downtown Seattle skyline. They quickly set up a perimeter and spotting scope. Scheduler Jonel did a great job lining up volunteers after First Responder Lynn sent out a "seal on the beach now" message to our volunteer base.
Volunteers were able to talk with the brave souls who ventured out in the dreary weather, distributing stickers to kids and info handouts to adults. Steam could be seen rising from the young seal’s body in the bitter cold. As the public ooh-ed and ahh-ed, he yawned and stretched his flippers, regulating his body temperature (photo above). He moved lower down on the rocks with the outgoing tide, but as the tide returned mid-afternoon, the seal slipped off the rocks and disappeared into the water. Volunteers were sent home after 15 minutes with no seal in sight.
About 5 minutes later, Larry called with a report of a pup on the northern-most boat ramp. Fortunately, Eilene and David were still near Don Armeni, so were able to quickly respond. The seal was quite skittish and returned to the water shortly after their arrival.
At 2:50pm, they noticed the weaner swimming toward the same spot and he/she hauled out a few minutes later. The seal spent a short time on shore before returning to the water around 3:00. Eilene walked along the edge of the park and spotted the young seal hauling again out on the same rock as in the morning.
Buzz helped out during the day and Lynn dropped by. Kersti from Whale Scout also stopped for a peek and suggested the name Gobble in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Gobble returned to the water around 4 pm again due to the high tide. Everyone stayed awhile, checking all the rocks and the boat ramp, but didn’t see Gobble again and left for home.