Pup hauls out on windy Alki Beach
Aug/26/10 09:20 PM

We are hoping this wound is not serious enough to affect this little one’s ability to swim and successfully forage for food. Salt water can often heal such wounds and we will keep you posted with updates. The pup gave our photographer a nice yawn so we could see that all of the teeth have erupted. Based on this information, this pup is most likely weaned. Should you see Windy hauled out on one of our beaches, make sure you call Seal Sitters dispatch @ 905-SEAL (7325).

It has been confirmed that the pup has an infected puncture wound - most likely caused by a bite from a dog or other seal. Remember to keep your dogs leashed at all times. The swelling around the bite is a good thing, meaning that the body’s white blood cells are fighting the infection. Windy’s overall body condition looks pretty good for a newly weaned pup. Our volunteers were out searching for the pup before daylight and throughout the day today, but there were no sightings on the beaches.