Seal pup Strudel a sweet treat for volunteers

New volunteers Crystal and Jenn were excited to be able to look over seal pup Strudel who rested at Duwamish Head early yesterday morning in the drizzle. The hotline received a call that the pup had been there for “awhile” and our responder arrived within minutes of the report to assess the scene. As the tide receded, Strudel kept within a few feet of the water’s edge for a fast exit from the beach if necessary. Older, weaned pups are much more wary than the young pups we see in the late summer and fall.

Due to increased interest from passersby, Seal Sitters established a tape perimeter and it seemed as though Strudel would settle in for a long nap. However, a curious and pesky sea gull would not let the pup rest. After the bird pecked at his rear flippers, Strudel disappeared into the Sound. Our volunteers walked along the shore to the east and west to make sure the pup had not come back ashore.




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