Dec 2010
Two seal pups seek rest on our shores today
Dec/29/10 07:14 PM

The pup on Alki Beach was ensconced behind logs and wood debris on the beach and unnoticed by the few people walking the beach today. This little spotted one, nicknamed Snowflake, snoozed all afternoon, most likely exhausted from spending a long night in the rough waters of Puget Sound. The pup returned to the Sound sometime after dark. We will be on the lookout for both of these pups tomorrow. Please be alert as you walk all beaches and call Seal Sitters if you come across a resting pup or other marine mammal using the shore.
Very sad news - volunteer passes away
Dec/26/10 01:16 PM
Seal Sitters is terribly saddened to report that our volunteer, Jenny Vonckx, passed away Christmas Eve. Jenny had been battling a brain tumor; however, through it all, she was determined to continue protecting seal pups even as her pain became progressively worse. One of our most vivid memories of Jenny is one evening on Alki Beach: Jenny, all smiles, was wrapped up in a blanket on her camp chair, bathed in the pink afterglow of the sunset - prepared to stay for hours if necessary, looking after seal pup Spike who was still on the beach (thankfully, Spike returned to the Sound around 9pm). We were so privileged to share the beach with Jenny and extend our sympathies to her friends and family.
Jenny’s partner Rob has graciously provided the following information:
Jenny Vonckx died on December 24, 2010 at home in West Seattle surrounded by family. She died from a glioblastoma brain tumor she has been fighting since March, 2009. She was only 44. Jenny successfully fought another brain tumor 13 years ago. She was one of very few to live for more than a couple of years with this diagnosis and for that she considered herself fortunate.
When it was clear that little could be done, Jenny volunteered in November as the first patient to undergo a cutting edge procedure in Los Angeles--the 1st person to ever have genetically engineered stem cells injected into her body. Jenny's expectation was not so much the hope of curing herself, but helping to advance research that one day might help others. Read More...
Jenny’s partner Rob has graciously provided the following information:
Jenny Vonckx died on December 24, 2010 at home in West Seattle surrounded by family. She died from a glioblastoma brain tumor she has been fighting since March, 2009. She was only 44. Jenny successfully fought another brain tumor 13 years ago. She was one of very few to live for more than a couple of years with this diagnosis and for that she considered herself fortunate.
When it was clear that little could be done, Jenny volunteered in November as the first patient to undergo a cutting edge procedure in Los Angeles--the 1st person to ever have genetically engineered stem cells injected into her body. Jenny's expectation was not so much the hope of curing herself, but helping to advance research that one day might help others. Read More...
"Christmas seal" at Discovery Park
Dec/26/10 06:12 AM
Seal Sitters responded to a seal pup on the beach by the Discovery Park lighthouse late Christmas afternoon. Since the nature of Seal Sitters’ work requires being on-call 7 days a week (and given that seal pups and other marine mammals don’t recognize holidays), we cannot thank enough these volunteers who gave up plans on Christmas Day to respond to the beach. And we want to thank every one of our volunteers for your hard work and commitment throughout the year.
Queen Latifah Lovefest
Dec/22/10 09:43 PM
Challenges ahead for weaned pups
Dec/15/10 08:59 PM
The winter months pose many challenges for weaned pups struggling to survive. When our seal pup Doc was onshore for a day with blood around the mouth and some sustained coughing episodes, we sent video to WDFW’s marine mammal research biologist for input. We were afraid that the pup had possible lungworm issues and that was confirmed. As Dyanna Lambourn explains, lung worm infection is very common in pups this age.
Every single pup deals with parasites to some extent because the majority of worms (lungworms, tapeworms, roundworms, etc) come from the food they eat. Once ingested, the parasite settles into the host animal, grows and reproduces. Because these parasites are foreign to the body, the pup begins to build up an immune system to combat them. Read More...
Every single pup deals with parasites to some extent because the majority of worms (lungworms, tapeworms, roundworms, etc) come from the food they eat. Once ingested, the parasite settles into the host animal, grows and reproduces. Because these parasites are foreign to the body, the pup begins to build up an immune system to combat them. Read More...
Pups haul out despite nasty weather
Dec/12/10 06:26 PM

Flipperboy to the rescue!
Dec/11/10 01:21 PM
Yesterday after seal pup Doc returned to the water, we stashed our cones, stakes and tape on the sea wall in case we needed them again early this morning. When our first responder did her early morning sweep, the cones were floating in the Sound. Apparently the high tide and waves crashed over the wall, sweeping away our precious materials. Able to retrieve only one cone and a long length of Protected Marine Mammal yellow tape, she later spotted a young boy snorkeling nearby. Our new superhero, David Dulaigh (aka Flipperboy), snagged the remaining cones, stakes and tape for us. Thanks to David and his mom. Our worst nightmare would be a seal pup washing ashore wrapped in “protective” tape! We always use biodegradable tape instead of plastic whenever we have concerns about incoming tides and no volunteers available to monitor the area. One of our white barricades with the NOAA Marine Mammal sign, however, is still missing. We have no idea if it, too, was swept out into the water. If you happen to come across it, please call our hotline 206-905-SEAL (7325).
"Hi, I'd like to report a seal pup under my garage"
Dec/10/10 07:46 PM

Packed house for volunteer training
Dec/10/10 07:41 PM
Thanks to everyone who attended our winter training at Camp Long’s great meeting facility last night. As soon as the new volunteer information is entered into our database, we will be contacting you for beach duty. We’re excited that you have chosen to become Seal Sitters and help protect our marine mammals. Special thanks to Kristin Wilkinson for representing NOAA and the Pacific Northwest Marine Mammal Stranding Network. We are so grateful to naturalist Gretchen Graber and wish her all the best in her new “adventure”, but at a great loss for the City of Seattle educational programs.
Seal pups seek rest from stormy waters
Dec/08/10 09:08 PM

The pup was alert with good body weight. Examination of telephoto images revealed some green discharge around the eyes; however, all in all, the pup looked to be in good health. The pup was 15 steps above the water level. Apparently he came in at high tide and probably worked his way up a few steps to the top so he could rest undisturbed by surging waves.

Queen Latifah also made an appearance today, looking nice and plump and alert and back on her favorite rock. She has developed quite the fan club. All of our recent pups have picked highly visible spots to haul out. They are providing an unparalleled opportunity for people to observe and discover the joy of seal pups. To learn more about how tides affect haulout patterns, click here.
December training update
Dec/07/10 03:08 PM
Thanks to everyone who has rsvp’d to attend our Thursday, December 9th training. We have now reached room capacity, but will offer another training session before pupping season begins in the summer. The event is scheduled for December 9th from 6:30 - 8:30pm at beautiful Camp Long in West Seattle, 5200 35th Ave SW (just south of Dawson- map it).
UPDATE 12/9/10 4am. We have had a couple of cancelations due to illness and may have a few spots open tonight. If you are interested in attending, rsvp and we will let you know if there is space.
UPDATE 12/9/10 4am. We have had a couple of cancelations due to illness and may have a few spots open tonight. If you are interested in attending, rsvp and we will let you know if there is space.
Seals of all ages using safety of Jack Block Park
Dec/06/10 07:25 PM

UPDATE: According to WDFW, the tagged pup was handled at a South Puget Sound rookery in September as part of a long-term research study. The blue tag signifies male and the pink “streamer” is used by researchers to determine id if only a partial number on the blue tag is visible. After analysis of the photo, the brand appears to be healing and Seal Sitters will monitor the pup as long as he remains on our shores. We will post additional info on this pup as we receive it.
Seal pup and heron enjoy the sunrise
Dec/05/10 06:55 PM