Chubby rehabbed pup Paz returns home to Puget Sound
Mar/08/16 12:07 PM

In December, the female pup was suffering from seizures on a cold and wet afternoon at Jack Block Park, notorious for illegally off-leash dogs. Seal Sitters first responders, authorized members of NOAA’s West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network, transported the hypoglycemic and largely unresponsive pup for evaluation at the Lynnwood facility, fearing she would require euthanasia. PAWS rehabbers were able to stabilize and hydrate her and Paz began a long recovery after a tenuous couple of weeks.
Severely emaciated and weighing only 12.8 kgs when rescued, the estimated 7-9 month-old pup was a true “blubberball” at her release on Monday, tilting the scale at 35 kgs (75 lbs). Pups are weaned around 4 weeks of age and are then entirely on their own, often struggling to survive wet fall and winter months. Click here to view a map of harbor seal pupping season in Washington.
It should be noted that only members of NOAA’s Marine Mammal Stranding Network - or their authorized agents - can legally handle and transport marine mammals. It is a violation of Federal Law to touch, feed, move or harass marine mammals. If you see a seal pup on the beach, please contact your local stranding network (network map here).
Thanks to PAWS dedicated staff for nursing the pup back to health. Huge thanks as well to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary boat crew that released Paz back where she belongs, the culmination of a true team effort (view a video of the release on USCG Facebook page).
Christmas seal Paz improves in rehab
Dec/29/15 03:11 PM

Paz, who was suffering from seizures, was rescued by Seal Sitters first responders from a West Seattle public beach early in the evening on the 22nd.
Examination at PAWS revealed that in addition to suffering from emaciation and hypoglycemia, Paz also had lung worms, but was not stable enough to be treated for the parasite load. Underweight seal pups with weakened immune systems often become infested with parasites during the cold, wet fall and winter months, which can result in serious respiratory issues and pneumonia. It is great news that Paz has the strength to start treatment to clear her lungs of dangerous parasites. She will continue to be closely monitored by PAWS’ rehab staff.
We are encouraged that Paz, a tiny pup measuring only 83cm in length, is on the mend enough to be enjoying swims in a big pool, complete with a green astroturf haulout (photo above). Her rehabilitation will be lengthy and Paz still faces many difficulties on an uphill road to recovery.
Seal pup Paz receives present of kindness and rescue
Dec/24/15 08:09 PM
Early Tuesday evening on the public beach at Jack Block Park, a harbor seal pup was rescued by Seal Sitters first responders. The thin pup was having seizures. After a call to PAWS Wildlife Center to ensure that staff would be available after hours, the barely responsive pup was carried from the beach as a cold rain began to fall and driven to the treatment facility in Lynnwood.
It was our fear that the pup would need to be euthanized, but she showed signs of life when examined at PAWS. Late the following afternoon, we received the good news that the small female had managed to survive the night and was in “critical, but guarded” condition. She was emaciated, weighing only 12.8 kgs (close to birth weight) and quite hypoglycemic. Further tests were being run and we will keep you posted on her progress.
We can’t thank Raina, Ashley and other PAWS’ staff enough for staying late to accept the pup, nicknamed Paz (“peace” in Spanish), and provide care for her as she faces many challenges in the days ahead.
Seal Sitters hopes Paz will be a true Christmas miracle. There would be no greater gift this holiday season than her recovery and return back to the wild, a healthy and chubby seal.
It was our fear that the pup would need to be euthanized, but she showed signs of life when examined at PAWS. Late the following afternoon, we received the good news that the small female had managed to survive the night and was in “critical, but guarded” condition. She was emaciated, weighing only 12.8 kgs (close to birth weight) and quite hypoglycemic. Further tests were being run and we will keep you posted on her progress.
We can’t thank Raina, Ashley and other PAWS’ staff enough for staying late to accept the pup, nicknamed Paz (“peace” in Spanish), and provide care for her as she faces many challenges in the days ahead.
Seal Sitters hopes Paz will be a true Christmas miracle. There would be no greater gift this holiday season than her recovery and return back to the wild, a healthy and chubby seal.