$20k reward offered for leads on shot sea lions

MM-reward-OLE-poster-02042019-smIn September of 2018, a dark turn of events began to unfold along the shoreline of Seattle’s Elliott Bay and nearby waters of Puget Sound. Sea lions started showing up dead.

Over the next several months, a total of 18 of the large marine mammals washed ashore in King and Kitsap counties. Of the 12 that researchers were able to examine and necropsy, all were confirmed shot, most with projectiles lodged in the head. One was decapitated.

Seal Sitters MMSN responded to 9 sea lion carcasses in West Seattle alone. The California sea lion at left, found near Alki Beach, was shot in the back and suffered a slow death from massive internal injuries.

Due to logistical difficulties, the other animals disappeared with the tides before necropsies could be done. However, based on body condition from photographs or external exam, all were considered to be suspected victims of acute trauma. All of the deaths occurred in conspicuous conjunction with seasonal fish runs.

Up to $20,000 has been offered by NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) for information leading to penalty or conviction in the recent shootings. Numerous reports were placed to Seal Sitters hotline about shots heard in Elliott Bay during the time period when most of the shootings appear to have occurred. Surely, someone out there knows something about the perpetrators - saw suspicious activity or maybe even heard someone boast about the killings. If you have any information at all, please contact OLE at 206-526-4300.

For additional photos and to read all related stories regarding the 2018 sea lion shootings, click here.

To print out and post a reward flyer, click here.




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