Thin seal comes ashore to rest
May/24/14 07:54 AM

Volunteers were quickly lined up in shifts to talk to passersby and ensure the seal’s safety. Terribly thin with some nasal discharge, the animal is of undetermined age, but doesn’t appear to be a weaner (1-12 months old) from last season. The seal is most likely a sub-adult (2-3 years old), based on an estimate of length. Without being able to truly measure the animal, it is difficult to assess age class.
Dubbed Blondie for his light-colored coat, the seal rested until shortly after 6pm before crossing the sand back into Puget Sound. Volunteers waited at the location before removing tape, cones and barricades in case he (sex unknown) decided to return. First responders checked nearby beaches before heading home.
Later in the evening, the hotline received another report and Blondie was located on the small beach at Duwamish Head. First responders closed access to the beach steps and established a buffer zone on the grass above him so he could rest undisturbed. Volunteers left shortly after 10pm since there was very little pedestrian activity, but returned at 11pm and Blondie was no longer on the beach.
First responder Robin checked the beach at 5:45am and it was empty. She scanned beaches from Cove 1 to Constellation Park and there was no sign of Blondie, but a small seal was sleeping about 50 yards offshore at Constellation.
Blondie is obviously having some health struggles and we anticipate he will return to shore today. Please keep an eye out for him and call our hotline @ 206-905-7325 (SEAL) immediately if you see a seal on the beach. Blondie desperately needs to rest in order survive and gain the strength to battle whatever ails him.
PUPDATE (9:45 am, May 25) There has been no sign of Blondie since late Friday night.