Busy day along Alki for seal pups
Feb/19/13 07:17 PM

Below the thankfully deserted promenade, our responder located the second pup a few steps up from the water. Despite very windy conditions, she was able to establish a tape perimeter on the sidewalk above the exotic, dark-coated pup so that no one could enter the steps leading to the beach, scaring him away. The pup had apparently hauled out on the steps at high tide last night.
Volunteers watched over the pup throughout the day as he settled into a deep slumber. Nicknamed JoJo by young sisters Samantha and Katelyn (hopefully, future Seal Sitters) from Sammamish who were visiting the beach with their dad, the pup finally returned to the Sound around 2pm.
A third unidentified pup rested on the offshore platform for most of the day.