Active pup keeps Seal Sitters on alert
Dec/28/13 05:32 AM

Seal Sitters’ hotline operator fielded a call yesterday morning of a seal pup resting on a tiny sliver of beach at Duwamish Head. Two first responders were on the scene within minutes, restricting access to the steps that led to down the sleeping pup. Shortly after getting a buffer zone established on the sea wall above, the incoming tide swept over the weaner and we thought he might return to the Sound. Instead, the pup flop-hopped across the sand to the base of the stairs.
Under the watchful eye of volunteers, the pup dubbed Lulu rested until noon, leaving the beach briefly and wriggling back ashore about 30 minutes later. The active pup did two more return trips to the water, but finally settled back in for a sleep from 3:30 until 5pm. Lulu swam off in search of dinner. Since there was no sign of the pup after dark, volunteers cold from the brisk winds went home to warm up after long hours on duty. The perimeter was left intact in anticipation that she might return during the night or early morning. Since this small beach is frequented by people who let their dogs illegally on the beach, it was imperative that the perimeter stay up overnight to protect the pup in the absence of volunteers.
Lulu was reasonably plump and had no obvious health issues during our observation yesterday.
Very early this morning, Lulu was found snoozing once again on the beach. Based on her tracks in the sand, it appears as if she hauled out around 2 am’s high tide. Volunteers looked after sweet Lulu throughout the day and the pup finally returned to the Sound about 3:30 pm. The pup was exhibiting some signs of potential lung and congestive issues as she moved slowly down to the tideline.
PUPDATE 12/29/13
Lulu was found having seizures at the north end of Alki Beach last evening. Despite the fact that there was no rehab facility open until early morning, the pup had to be taken from this section of beach, notorious for illegally off leash dogs. It was too unsafe for the helpless pup to remain on the beach until morning. Sadly, Lulu died overnight, but the body was taken to PAWS this morning for necropsy. We will update with details of cause of death when we receive the information.