Tired, but sneaky little weaner seal seeks resting spot
May/11/17 10:46 AM

It’s a real challenge for wildlife to find quiet, safe places to rest undisturbed along the shoreline of urban areas. Monday morning was no exception. Very early, the hotline received a call about another weaner seal on the beach, just south of the West Seattle Water Taxi. Arriving within minutes, Seal Sitters first responder found a very wet little seal taking a power nap on the pebbled shore. Tape was stretched between cones and sandwich boards to establish a smaller-than-normal buffer zone around him since the beach was just below the sidewalk.
Having barely finished taping off the area and grabbing a couple of quick identification photos, the increasing bustle of ferry commuters convinced the weaned and estimated 9-month old seal to return to the blue-gray waters of Elliott Bay. Gathering up materials, responders discussed that this was not Seafoam or another weaner we recognized.
No sooner had stranding materials been stashed back in the car, the hotline received a second call - of a seal pup perched a stone’s throw away, around the corner on the rocks just below the fishing pier and ramp down to the Water Taxi (two views of same weaned pup above). Cones and tape were stretched again to keep people from standing right above him. Within about half an hour, however, with a receding tide and a steady stream of commuters who walked close-by, down the ramp to catch the boat and head into downtown Seattle, the weaner slipped off the jagged boulder and into the water. It was unanimous that the perfect nickname for the seal was little Rascal.
Responders removed the materials and observed Rascal for some time, lingering offshore in the tiny cove - a good fishing hole, ripe for foraging.