Busy New Year's Eve for Seal Sitters
Jan/01/11 07:28 AM
New Year’s Eve proved to be a busy day for Seal Sitters volunteers as two weaned pups hauled out to enjoy the sun. The hotline received a report about 11:30 of a pup at Constellation Park close to the sea wall. This poses a challenge for volunteers to keep onlookers at a distance so the pup will be undisturbed: the sidewalk is virtually right above the wall and we cannot close the sidewalk due to pedestrian safety and traffic issues. Even though we positioned volunteers at each end of the walk, too many people gathered above the pup and he made his way back into the Sound. We’d like to remind folks that seals have excellent hearing and assembling in a crowd too close to them is terribly disruptive to their rest. This pup, nicknamed Winky by a child, was too thin for our liking and exhibited some unusual tremors. We hope the pup will resurface on the beach so we can do some further health assessments.
A second pup literally went out on a limb to get some warmth yesterday afternoon. This pup was on a log at Lincoln Park that extended out from the beach. The pup, which a volunteer nicknamed Timber, undoubtedly crawled up on the large tree trunk at high tide and then stayed put for a long rest. Due to the recent storms and high waves, the beaches are covered with debris, making it difficult for pups to come ashore safely. Pups need to take advantage of any warmth and rest they can get this time of year. Timber appeared reasonably healthy for a weaned winter pup and Seal Sitters, including new volunteers Vicky, Billy and Betsy, kept watch over him until he returned to the Sound shortly after sunset. Volunteers informed beach walkers of his presence and asked that they please restrain their off leash dogs.