Sunny day proves inviting for a little harbor seal hide and seek
Nov/07/16 05:36 PM

Admiring the snow-dusted Olympic Mountains across from Weather Watch Park shortly after noon today, West Seattle resident Zach noticed a small harbor seal crawl out of the water and disappear into the driftwood strewn on the small beach. He immediately dialed Seal Sitters’ hotline (206-905-7325) and First Responder Lynn was on the scene within minutes.
Zach pointed out the logs that the seal pup, hidden from view on the neighborhood beach, had wriggled over and settled in between. Lynn and fellow First Responder Robin stretched tape to close off access so the pup could rest undisturbed. Occasionally, you could see a hint of whiskers or the stretch of a flipper. Periodically, as a noisy bus or motorcycle roared by on Beach Drive, a little white head would peer out to make sure all was safe.
Volunteers Eve, Cathy and John chatted with passersby about the pup, nicknamed Pipsqueak, who emerged from his (or her) hideaway around 2 and rested in full view on the beach before swimming off around 2:50. While not exactly chubby, Pipsqueak was alert and no health issues were noted.
On a sad note, seal pup Pepper, rescued on October 17th and taken to PAWS after suffering seizures on the beach near the Fauntleroy ferry dock, did not survive. PAWS staff fought valiantly for a week to save the pup, but the small male had too many issues to overcome. Pepper was markedly thin with very little blubber thickness and was battling a lungworm infestation, a common health danger for seal pups in fall and winter months.