Sep 2015
Two seal pups in as many days for Seal Sitters
Sep/26/15 02:08 PM

The following afternoon, a tiny seal pup came ashore at that same dangerous location, busy with frequent boat and trailer traffic - in addition to trucks rumbling through the parking lot and busses unloading tourists to take photos of the Seattle skyline. We believe he is probably the same pup that had been harassed the day before. Pups are attracted to this location because of the small fish fry that thrive underneath docks and piers - and because fishermen often dump their bait after a long day of fishing. A pup trying to rest on any public launch is extremely vulnerable to being run over and killed, serious injury from off-leash dogs and harassment from people. All marine mammals are protected from harassment by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Washington State Law.
The pup, nicknamed Pup Francis (shown above snoozing in the sun near the tide line), rested under the protection of Seal Sitters volunteers and returned to the water after several hours, only to come ashore at the ramp again later in the day for a short time. Volunteers in shifts educated the public and, thankfully, boaters were very supportive of our attempts to give him a bit of sanctuary onshore in a difficult situation. One boater even remarked that “he needs the ramp more than we do” and was more than happy to use an alternative ramp for launching.
Like most recently weaned seal pups, Pup Francis was a bit thinner than we like to see. We hope he packs on some blubber for the upcoming cold months and finds a safer haulout.

Volunteers taped off a small area of the sidewalk on the sea wall above the pup, still allowing plenty of room for passersby and cyclists. Distributing stickers to kids and informational handouts, they spoke with quite a few people about the need for seal pups to rest and warm up. A curious seagull pecked at Moss, wondering if the sleeping pup was alive - and barely escaped the snapping jaws of the startled pup.
The incoming tide was soon lapping at his (or her) rear flippers. Not long after, a big swell rushed over Moss who then swam off into the gray waters. Volunteers waited to make sure he didn’t appear further down the beach and then removed all materials from the site.
Please call Seal Sitters’ hotline @ 206-905-SEAL (7325) if you see a seal (or sea lion) onshore. Keep people and dogs well away until our first responder can arrive on the scene. Please note that Seal Sitters responds to reports of all marine mammals, dead or alive.
Strange bedfellows share the shore
Sep/19/15 05:26 PM

Somewhat surprisingly, this past week a sleek, silvery harbor seal pup has been occasionally wriggling onto the pebbled beach to rest among the fishermen. This little pup isn’t interested in big salmon. Instead, he forages on the many species of tiny fish found among the intertidal eelgrass and seasonal kelp beds, a fertile marine habitat. For the most part, the fishermen have accommodated his presence and granted him space. The pup catches some zzzz’s while the anglers cast their lines, hoping to catch some dinner.
Seal Sitters had received numerous reports of a seal pup coming and going from Lincoln Park. One evening, just before darkness fell, our First Responder finally got a chance to observe the pup, get some photos and talk with fishermen. Nicknamed Minnow, the pup was alert and seems relatively healthy.
While we may cringe at the thought of the pup navigating through lures and lines - entanglement and injury is always a concern - thus far the mantra to Share the Shore seems to be working out.
We thank the fishermen who have been moving to give Minnow a wide berth and have reeled in their gear when he approaches the beach. Please remember to remove all derelict gear and line from the area. Not only is it a danger to marine life and shorebirds, but also to people - and dogs illegally roaming the beach.
Seal pup season finally arrives in West Seattle
Sep/18/15 08:30 AM

Hustling to the new location, Robin and Lynn discovered a dark-coated pup sleeping in a steady rain, just feet from the cement promenade near the Bathhouse. With the help of reporting party John, they quickly stretched yellow tape between cones and sandwich boards with informational signs to create a buffer zone around the snoozing pup.

As the rain subsided, the pup nicknamed Olivia (above) began to stir and was curious about the people who spoke respectfully in low voices.

The skies brightened after an hour or so and Olivia flopped across the sand and swam off into Puget Sound. Soon afterwards, a dark pup resting on a nearby offshore platform was identified through telephoto images as Olivia.
Small visitor gets lots of lovin' at Lincoln Park
Sep/17/15 04:44 PM

When she arrived, three people were earnestly watching the pup and asked if they could help. Lynn handed them 2 rolls of yellow tape and 6 stakes and she set off to grab Seal Sitters’ stashed barricades near Colman Pool. When she returned shortly thereafter, the trio had set a perimeter to protect the pup. Thank you, Stephen, Kay and Sherri!
Quite a few people were out and about, enjoying the nice weather, and were happy to linger awhile and learn all about seal pup behavior and biology from volunteers. A visiting couple from Wales suggested a Welsh name: Cariad, meaning “sweetheart” or “lovely”. It was a perfect name for this beautiful little pup who was alert throughout the day.
During the sunny and surprisingly hot day, there were as many as three harbor seals foraging just offshore. Quite the contrary to a fisherman’s worry that the pups were “eating all the salmon”, seal pups feed on very small fish and squid. Occasionally, Cariad would yawn widely, displaying a gleaming set of small white teeth. As the tide rose, the pup kept moving on the beach, finally ending up close to the driftwood at the 7:20 pm high tide. At dark, Seal Sitters’ volunteers left Cariad snoozing and the perimeter in place. Thanks to all of the volunteers who spent long hours ensuring Cariad could rest undisturbed.
Early this morning, as the rainbow over Vashon Island dissolved into rain showers, First Responders Lynn and Robin checked the beach, but there was no sign of the pup and all materials were removed.
Seal pup visits Lincoln Park
Sep/12/15 08:14 PM
A seal pup was reported onshore early yesterday morning at Lincoln Park, but he/she swam off into Puget Sound shortly after Seal Sitters’ first responder arrived. A fisherman stated that the pup had been coming and going from the beach near Colman Pool.
Seal pup Little Dipper fattens up in rehab
Sep/12/15 07:54 PM
Seal Sitters has received great news that seal pup Little Dipper, rescued from Lincoln Park at the end of June, is packing on the pounds at PAWS Wildlife Center in Lynnwood. Abandoned on the beach at the popular park, Little Dipper weighed a mere 8.4 kg (18.5 lbs) on intake at the rehabilitation facility. He now weighs a respectable 22.5 kg (49.6 lbs). The pup’s thick layer of blubber will help keep him warm and sustain him with energy once he is back foraging all on his own in the cold waters of Puget Sound.
If all continues well, the plan is to release Little Dipper at the end of this month. Prior to release, all pups are given a thorough examination to make sure there are no underlying health issues. We hope Little Dipper sails through his exam and back to the wild soon!
If all continues well, the plan is to release Little Dipper at the end of this month. Prior to release, all pups are given a thorough examination to make sure there are no underlying health issues. We hope Little Dipper sails through his exam and back to the wild soon!
After long drought in responses, a seal pup finally rests onshore
Sep/03/15 10:22 PM

First Responders Lynn and Robin met reporting party Ray at the scenic park, where he led them down a winding path bordering a quiet lagoon. The small, thin pup was sound asleep at the water’s edge.
Protected Marine Mammal tape was strung between trees to close off access to the beautiful seal, with a silky white coat and fine black spots. On the opposite side of the lagoon, tape and signage defined the area as off limits as well.
The responders observed his (or her) behavior through binoculars and did not see any overt sign of injury. The evening tide was quickly rising and the pup moved several times on the tiny beach, reluctant to return to the river. Terribly thin, it was obvious that the pup was not being tended to by an adult female and most likely has been weaned. Weaners can quickly burn through their body fat in the weeks after weaning, before mastering the tricky art of catching fish and squid.
Around 6:30, as the tide swirled around him, the pup nicknamed Rio swam off into the still waters of the Duwamish, which reflected the pinks and blues of the evening sky. We hope he is successful foraging tonight and we’ll be on the lookout for Rio throughout the day tomorrow.