Volunteers help tiny seal pup get rest
Jan/23/14 05:48 AM

Volunteer coordinator Karin began calling volunteers who had entered time on our online calendar. An “APB” was sent out to all others via iPhone with the message that there was a seal on the beach. Throughout the cold day with a steady northwest wind, volunteers watched in shifts over the very thin, tiny pup nicknamed PeeWee. An off-leash, unattended dog ran across the beach with no owner in sight, but thankfully didn’t notice the sleeping pup - potentially, a very dangerous situation for the weak and vulnerable PeeWee.
Mid-afternoon, PeeWee began a laborious crawl back to Puget Sound - stopping to snooze awhile at the water’s edge and finally swimming off into the dark gray waters after 4pm. Chilled volunteers gathered up stranding materials and returned home to warm up. Many thanks to all the dedicated volunteers who gave this sweet pup some quiet time on the beach, gaining the strength necessary to forage and, hopefully, pack on some much-needed blubber.