Seal rescued from Alki Beach, but doesn't make it
May/27/21 04:58 PM

Dr. Greg suspected a neurological impairment from injury or infection, and the only way to find out was to examine the seal. The female seal was extremely lethargic until captured, when she spun about and tried to bite her rescuers. She was safely placed in a crate and transported to the rehab clinic.
The seal was nicknamed “Una” as she was the first patient at SR3’s newly-opened marine wildlife hospital in Des Moines. An exam showed she was a juvenile, probably 2-3 years old and not yet of reproductive age. X-rays revealed no signs of trauma such as broken bones. Una was treated for suspected protozoal infection and pain and seemed to be resting comfortably at SR3 (photo above).
Unfortunately Una passed away during her second night in care. A necropsy was performed; we hope the lab results will tell us what led to Una’s death.