"Lost" and found seal weaner enjoys some sun
Nov/08/19 03:00 PM

Seal Sitters Co-Investigator and First Responder Lynn was just getting in her car to grab a quick lunch when Hotline Operator Karin called. She said a woman named Kayla spotted a seal at West Seattle’s Don Armeni public boat launch. As all of our responders can attest, trying to eat, do laundry or run errands can often be interrupted by a hotline call - and they have to drop everything at a moment's notice (thank you dedicated First Responders!).
Lynn texted Co-Investigator Robin that a pup was at the boat ramp. They both promptly headed down to the waterfront, where Kayla and Jonathan were waiting. They had already set up barricades with seal signage which are always stashed nearby and blocked off entry to the dock.
The weaned young seal was at the very end of the north wooden dock, alert, and in decent body condition. After comparing markings from Robin’s ID photos, Lynn was tickled to report that “Lost has been found!” The weaner is indeed the same seal nicknamed “Lost” that First Responder Jay H observed at Jack Block Park on Oct. 22, over 2 weeks ago.
Abigail was scheduler for the day and checked the calendar, lining up volunteers Dave W, Barb Z and Nicole to keep Lost from being scared back into the frigid waters. They kept an eye on boaters and visitors using the south dock, asking them to please do their best to avoid disturbing the weaner. When the sun set, Lost finally settled in for a snooze, after being alert to activity throughout the day. He fell into a deep sleep against the stunning backdrop of Seattle’s dramatic night skyline across Eliiott Bay.
This has been a really rough pupping season so far in West Seattle with a total of 12 deaths. Let's hope that Lost is finally a reasonably healthy, lively weaner. While he was on the thin side, we observed no coughing or nasal discharge.