Harbor seal pupping season underway in Washington
May/26/19 06:22 PM

On the outer coast of Washington, harbor seal pupping season is well underway, with reports of at least 7 full-term pups trying to rest on various beaches. In Puget Sound, we usually start seeing full-term pups in late June. Pups can be born in South and Central Puget Sound from June thru the first week of September and are weaned after 4-6 weeks. However, premature pups (lanugos) have already been born in our area, including one born dead in West Seattle.
Always stay far away from moms and pups. If you see a pup alone on the beach or raft or dock, mom is likely nearby. Do not interfere. Boaters, stay back from harbor seal haulouts as they will be full of pregnant females and moms with newborns for the next 6 months. Disturbance can cause abandonment and pup deaths.
If you come across a seal pup and have concerns, stay back, keep people and dogs away and call your local stranding network with details of circumstances and location. In West Seattle, call Seal Sitters hotline at 206-905-SEAL (7325).
To learn more about seal pups, visit our website HERE. Photo above is of a just-born pup near a public boat launch, still partially in the birth sac with placenta.