Happy Mother's Day to moms of all species

Seal Sitters would like to wish all moms a very special day today (and all days). Thanks for all your love and nurturing. Seal moms are especially affectionate with their pups in those formative 4-6 weeks of nursing and teaching a pup the skills to survive. This newborn pup and mom bond through the senses of touch and smell. A pup’s unique call (which sounds like “maaaaaaaaaa”) will enable the mom to find her pup if they are separated in a crowded rookery or due to a disturbance by humans, dogs or other animals. Harbor seal moms are extremely protective of their pups during the short time they are together - after pups are weaned, however, they are on their own to survive. Thankfully, human moms nurture us throughout our lifetime!

Seal pupping season has begun on the outer coasts of Washington and Oregon. Please give harbor seals space and don’t worry if you see a pup alone on the beach. Most likely, the pup is already on his own, but sometimes a still-nursing pup will be left alone on shore. Always stay back and keep dogs leashed. If you have any concerns at all about a pup (or other marine mammal), please call the stranding network for your area.




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