Seal pup Fudge a sweet treat for evening commuters
Sep/03/13 11:54 PM

An enthralled stream of boat commuters returning from downtown Seattle oohed and ahhed over the stunning little pup. Fudge managed to catch some “z’s” even with the roar of traffic along Harbor Avenue and excited chatter of onlookers. Big thanks to the scuba divers who entered the water from the far end of the cove, through a small tape corridor we established. We’re still trying to determine if Fudge is on his own or if a mom is still in attendance. Stay tuned for an early morning “pupdate”.
NOTE: We had initially thought this was seal pup Butterball who rested at Jack Block Park yesterday, but further comparison of markings confirmed it was indeed Fudge.
PUPDATE: 9/3/13
Fudge was seen sleeping soundly on the inaccessible beach at Jack Block Park this afternoon and evening.