Sunday an eventful day for Seal Sitters volunteers
May/19/14 06:49 PM

Our volunteers set up a canopy, festooned with seal banners and a table brimming with educational outreach materials. Throughout the day (and with mostly cooperative weather until the rain set in about 3:30), approximately 240 people stopped by the booth to say hi. Those not familiar with Seal Sitters MMSN learned about our all-volunteer group and the work we do protecting marine mammals.
Seal Sitters’ talented artist Lynn created chalk drawings of a gray whale, orca, and mother seal and pup in front of the booth. Her grandaughter Eleanor attracted lots of kids to participate in her “spinner” marine mammal game. Stickers and coloring sheets were distributed to kids.
Meanwhile, across town at Seattle’s Center’s McCaw Hall, Seal Sitters volunteers manned a table and did outreach for several hours at the Orca Tour lecture, sponsored by The Whale Trail.

Thanks to all of our volunteers who made yesterday a resounding success on two fronts! And special flipper hugs to volunteers and event gurus David and Eilene for making it possible.