Captain sets sail for another port
Nov/27/12 06:46 PM
It appears that our adult harbor seal Captain has set sail for another location since she has not been sighted since Thanksgiving Day. Much to our dismay, on Thursday morning she exhibited symptoms of lung issues, confirming our gnawing suspicion that she might have some underlying health issues - since adult harbor seals won’t usually tolerate the presence of humans and she picked a busy, urban spot to rest. During a stretch of 23 days since first reported on November 3rd, Captain came ashore all but a handful of those.
We hope she has chosen a quieter stretch of beach to heal and gain strength. Seal Sitters thanks all our volunteers who protected Captain during wet, windy and cold weather, checking on her often as late as midnight each night. And huge thanks to local residents who were so caring and helped us keep her safe. Harbor seals think West Seattle rocks - and so do we! We’ll continue to be on the lookout for Captain.
Tags: Captain