Busy week continues for volunteers as seal pups seek refuge
Oct/23/16 08:34 AM

Seals and sea lions of all ages spend about 50% of their day out of the water. The male sea lions that migrate to Elliott Bay each fall haul out on the mid-channel buoys. Their lively and loud barking can be heard as they compete for space on the small structures. Tiny harbor seal pups, on the other hand, need easy-access shoreline to rest and warm up.
About 5:20 last evening, as human activity tapered off, seal pup Snow Cone (above) came ashore at one of those small coves. As darkness set in, the cove was taped off and signs informing the public that “Harbor Seals Need to Rest” and “Don’t Touch Seal Pups - It’s the Law” were strategically placed along the perimeter.
Please, always keep your dog leashed near the beach. You never know when a vulnerable seal pup will be onshore, both day and night. Because of their unique mottled fur coats, seals are very difficult to notice on the beach and a dog’s keen sense of smell will discover a pup’s presence long before an owner does. That can often be too late to prevent injury or harm.
If you come across a seal resting on the beach, please notify Seal Sitters’ hotline at 206-905-SEAL(7325) immediately and, if at all possible, remain onsite and keep people away until responders can arrive. Undisrupted, stress-free rest is critical to harbor seal pups’ survival. Only half survive their first year.