Pup spends evening in vulnerable location

Thanks to the Walker family for calling in a report to our hotline of a seal pup trying to rest in a very vulnerable location yesterday evening. Our responder taped off the area and SS volunteers watched over the pup until he returned to Elliott Bay shortly after midnight. It was too dark even at 6pm to get an id on the pup, but he looked to have reasonably good body weight. There were reports that a crowd of people had been gathered within feet of the pup taking photos - so many, many thanks to the Walkers for calling us! The fact that the pup was not scared back into the water only serves to remind everyone how exhausted pups can be (or ill or injured) when they finally come on shore. Please help spread the word to STAY BACK, give them space and call the hotline.

UPDATE 1/26/11
This pup was hauled out for many hours yesterday at Jack Block Park. We are monitoring his/her health (there is no way of telling the sex of a pup without a physical exam).




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