Boaters endanger newborn seal pups at haul out sites
Jul/18/10 08:09 PM
This is a reminder to all boaters that this is harbor seal birthing season and boating (or kayaking) too close to a seal haul out this time of year puts newborn seals in grave danger. On Thursday, while a WDFW marine mammal biologist was observing a south Puget Sound seal rookery, a boat filled with adults and children intentionally ignored signs warning of a closed harbor and sped directly towards the island where over 200 seals rested. Within several seconds the entire rookery was in chaos and the site evacuated by the seals. A female was in active labor as the boat roared towards her and she gave birth on the beach and disappeared into the water - leaving the pup still in the amniotic sac at the water’s edge. The boat then turned and roared away. For the next 15 minutes, the biologist waited anxiously to see if the mother would return for her pup. If a mother seal does not imprint and bond with her pup immediately after birth, the pup will be abandoned and die a slow, agonizing death by starvation. Thankfully, this mom and pup were reunited. However, there are already several abandoned pups at this haul out site - either the result of similar boating incidents or the result of some other disturbance where mom and pup were separated. Seal pups only have a 50% survival rate the first year.

NOAA Enforcement is investigating the incident and examining photos and video of the boat and occupants. It is against the law to harass marine mammals with consequences ranging from steep fines to jail time. Please, boaters, be respectful and let seals rest, give birth and nurse their young. As of Thursday, there were 18 pups and numerous pregnant females at the rookery. The birthing season extends into September in our region. Enjoy our waters and enjoy the wonder of seals from a safe distance.