Volunteers take blubber love to the streets
Jul/13/14 10:55 AM

Over the course of Friday and Saturday, with temperatures soaring into the high 80’s, they swigged cold water and spritzed with hand fans as they talked to 249 adults and children who stopped by. Volunteers like Denise and Pam (in photo) answered questions and let folks know that harbor seal pupping season has begun in South Puget Sound.
Huge flipper hugs to SS event gurus David and Eilene and all the volunteers who are braving the heat to spread some blubber love and give out free stickers to kids! Please stop by our table at the GreenLife Demo Area today.
Next weekend July 19-20, Seal Sitters will be at the Alki Art Fair. First Responder and talented artist Lynn will lead craft activities for kids at our booth. We hope to see you there!