Uno brightens a wet and dreary day
Jan/24/18 02:39 PM

Zipping down the Ferry Avenue hill, Robin was there in no time. Grabbing materials from her car, she could see a woman and small child standing guard on the sidewalk. Uno was alert, close up and in full view. Robin rushed to get a quick perimeter established in a steady, cold rain; thankfully, there was no one else around except Russian-born Elena and excited 2-year old Nila.
Volunteer Scheduler Lori was on-call today and began lining up vols. If Uno was true to form, he would stay put til mid-afternoon or later. Volunteer Helen arrived in her Kodak-yellow rain jacket and set up her scope, far enough away from the seal that if people gathered to take a peek and chat, it would not be disruptive. Shortly afterwards, Victoria strolled up in her Bogs boots, decked out in full rain gear. Our volunteers were well-prepared for another nasty weather day!
As the day wore on, Buzz, Eve, and First Responder David all came down to lend a hand, talk to passersby and keep Uno safe as he stretched and yawned and snoozed.
Marination's manager took pity on our die-hard volunteers, standing out in the downpour for hours, and brought out some tasty tacos. The Marination staff has always been incredibly supportive of Seal Sitters' work when we are on seal duty at the coves.
Uno was alert to activity around him in between naps today - always a good sign. It's amazing to us that he can sleep at all with lumbering garbage trucks, construction noise, general traffic and the chatter of people in such an urban location.
Finally, around 2pm, Uno decided he, too, had enough of the heavy rain, scooted across the slick pebbles and swam off into Elliott Bay. We could see her little head far offshore, so we removed all materials and left for home to warm up and dry time for a potential next round tomorrow.
After looking after so many thin and struggling weaner over the years, it is really wonderful to have a seemingly healthy weaner for a change!