Blustery weather can't deter dedicated volunteers
Jan/22/18 03:53 PM

Winter seal flurries continue along the shoreline of West Seattle! Hotline Kristen got a not-so-surprising call around 10 am regarding a seal on the beach - this time, snuggled at Cove 3, the preferred kayakers cove near the Water Taxi.
First Responder Dana was relieved upon arrival that Uno had decided to haul out at this cove yesterday instead of Cove 2, packed with divers. Thankfully, due to inclement weather, there were no kayakers trying to launch today. Uno was resting comfortably in a steady rain, nestled among the logs on the pebbled beach.
Dana immediately started stringing yellow tape as First Responder Robin arrived to help. Wind gusts blew down the informational sandwich boards and cones, so they were finally just left flat with tape stretched between them. Scheduler Jonel began the task of checking Seal Sitters’ online calendar and lining up shifts of volunteers.
We have weaners coming out our ears these days! Volunteers Buzz, Sawyer and Lisa, Victoria, Sally, Kelsey, and Cathy (with onlooker, photo above) braved the wind and rain to talk to passersby. First Responder David also came by to check on Uno. We were treated to a short-lived weather break midday with a gorgeous, fat rainbow that stretched over Elliott Bay.

Around 2ish, Uno started moving closer to the water as it receded. The weaner rested there about an hour and then flopped the final few feet as the rain intensified, disappearing into the waves. As volunteers scanned the water to see if he might return, it became a drenching downpour and high winds whipped up from the south. Volunteers removed the perimeter, grabbed materials and dashed for our respective cars to head home.