Seal Sitters signage prototypes now on Alki Beach
Oct/06/10 12:35 PM

This morning Seattle Parks Department installed two versions of informational signage about seals and seal pups on Alki Beach. This was a project funded by the Neighborhood Matching Funds grant that Seal Sitters was awarded earlier this year. One sign is a cutout photo of a seal pup (Spud, who started West Seattle’s love affair with pups) and gives basic information that it is normal for a seal pup to be alone on the beach, that dogs should be leashed, and the contact phone numbers for Seal Sitters’ dispatch and the NOAA NW stranding hotline. Parks employees Sio (left) and Tony (right) pose with that sign shortly after installing it on the beach across from 2322 Alki Avenue. The second sign version goes into more detail about the biology of seals from their birth through the weaning process. It is installed across the street from Pioneer Coffee. Seal Sitters cannot thank enough the City of Seattle and Parks Department for enabling us to complete this very important educational project. Within minutes of installing the signs, a West Seattle resident entered our dispatch number into her cell phone. We encourage everyone to do the same, as pups are appearing on our beaches almost daily now.
Tags: signage