Beach cleanup a success
May/17/11 11:44 AM
The Alki Community Council and Seal Sitters would like to thank those who turned out yesterday morning to help clean Alki Beach. The day started with a briefing by Kristin Wilkinson, NOAA Marine Mammal Stranding Expert, on the impact that our litter and trash has on marine life when it gets into Puget Sound. Colleen Hackett, Parks Volunteer Programs Coordinator, then gave us our assignments for the morning. The 29 volunteers, led by a large group from AmeriCorps, picked up trash from the west end of the Park through 54th Place SW. Enough time was available to assist Parks by removing the sand, brought in by this past winter’s storms, from the steps along Alki Avenue. The two volunteers (sisters Margie and Betty) shown in the photo are proof positive that picking up trash is not only rewarding, but can actually be fun!
We want to thank Pioneer Coffee, Tully’s, and Starbucks for their donation of coffee to get our volunteers off to a good start. Thanks to Kristin for taking time out of her busy schedule to educate everyone and also to Larry Carpenter, of both the ACC and Seal Sitters, for coordinating this event with Parks. The Council hopes to coordinate with Seattle Parks & Recreation, local businesses, and community members in an effort to minimize the problem of litter on Alki this coming summer season. If you want additional information on how you can continue to be involved, please contact Larry at 206-938-0887.