Seal Sitters named to Sunset Magazine's "Best of the West"
Apr/29/14 11:08 AM

The timing of this recognition could not be better. Spring is the season for harbor seal pups to be born all along the West Coast, stretching from California to the Pacific Northwest. If you visit the outer coast, make sure to keep a heads-up for vulnerable newborn pups. Stay back and observe quietly from a distance. Otherwise, a mom may abandon her pup who cannot survive without her. In South Puget Sound, pupping season begins in mid-June, with pups being born as late as October (Hood Canal). September and October are the busiest months for Seal Sitters in West Seattle.
This mention in such a high visibility and widely distributed publication should help save some pups this season. We are so grateful to Sunset Magazine for this important coverage! The magazine is on the newsstands now.