Life rafts for seals

Many West Seattle residents have seen adult seals, yearlings and seal pups resting on platforms offshore. These platforms, built by private citizens, provide a safe alternative to busy beaches populated by people and dogs. They are heavily used by the seals to rest and warm up ~ one resident even witnessed a birth on the platform outside her condo window.

In 2007, a platform helped save the life of a severely injured seal pup (see bloody pup in photo at left). Nicknamed “Sunny”, the pup had a very deep cut to his neck possibly caused by a boat propeller. There was no way to rescue him because he would slip back off the platform into the water. However, over a period of time and able to gain strength by resting on the platform, Sunny’s wound healed in the autumn sun and salt water; proof of the value in providing these simple and low-cost refuges constructed of plywood and styrofoam. If you own waterfront property, or know of someone who does, and would like information on how to build and secure a “life raft” please email us. You can help our seals survive!




visit NOAA marine debris website
