Sad end for harbor seal pup rescued from beach
Feb/27/16 12:12 PM

After observing the pup’s non-responsive behavior, first responders Robin and Lynn scaled the slippery boulders below the sea wall to prevent him from drowning in front of onlookers. The pup was gently carried away from the water’s edge. A call was placed to the rehab facility to make sure that the pup could be received for evaluation and humane euthanasia if necessary. Volunteers Buzz and Gretchen made the long drive in rush hour to deliver the pup to PAWS.
A review of id photos of pups from the 2015 season and responses early this year revealed that this pup was not known to Seal Sitters.
WDFW Marine Mammal Investigations Unit, a fellow member of NOAA’s West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network, will perform a necropsy to determine cause of death. The pup would have been born in Puget Sound last year. Harbor seal pups are weaned and on their own after nursing 4-6 weeks.
Thanks to a recent fundraising campaign, Seal Sitters volunteers and supporters have raised money to pay for blood and tissue tests to help offset Federal cutbacks in funding for research. These tests provide valuable data and insight into the mortality of harbor seal populations and help identify disease trends in marine mammals. If you would like to make a donation to help fund this research, please click here.
If you see a seal or sea lion onshore, please allow space and stay back - and call Seal Sitters’ dedicated hotline @ 206-905-SEAL (7325).