Another rainy day with Uno

Uno continues to keep Seal Sitters busy. Around 8:30 am Friday morning, Hotline Operator Cheri received a report of a seal at Cove 2 near the Water Taxi. First Responders Eilene and David arrived within minutes and located Uno at her favorite new haul out spot.

While setting up a perimeter, Scheduler Molly was contacted, who proceeded to line up volunteers for the day.

Uno appears to be doing well. A number of volunteers noticed three small bloody spots on the upper right chest, but they seem to be nothing serious. Little or no coughing was observed - a good sign since almost all weaners are battling respiratory issues during these cold and wet winter months.

In the photo at right, you can see wet rings around Uno's eyes. This is a great sign that she has been foraging and is well-hydrated.

Uno tried with somewhat difficulty to relax and sleep in the busy and noisy urban setting. Finally, the arriving Water Taxi (the first run of the afternoon) and accompanying waves proved to be too much disturbance, and the weaner swam off into Elliott Bay at 3:34 pm.




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