So much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day
Nov/22/12 05:25 AM

So many thanks go out to the residents of West Seattle who have embraced (figuratively speaking, of course) these pups, giving them the space they need in their struggle to survive against challenging odds. We cannot thank you enough for your support over the past 6 years.
Special thanks go out to Dyanna Lambourn, WDFW-MMI marine mammal biologist, for her tireless mentoring and sage advice and to Kristin Wilkinson, NOAA’s NW Marine Mammal Stranding Network expert, for her support and generosity.
And, of course, we thank our little “blubberball” pups for gracing our lives with their presence. It is hard to describe the sense of peace one feels watching over a sleeping pup. We reap such immense rewards - just by giving a small bit of beach to these beautiful, sweet beings. We thank them for all the smiles they have given us as they stretch and yawn and snooze. We thank seal pup Spud, our first seal pup in 2007, who came ashore on crowded Alki Beach in mid-August and was the impetus for the formation of Seal Sitters.
We wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving holiday.