News media reports of 5 shot sea lions in WS inaccurate

Published reports by the news media that 5 sea lions have been found shot on West Seattle beaches are erroneous. In fact, three sea lions (1 Steller and 2 California sea lions) dead from gunshot wounds have washed up on our shore. The other two shot sea lions were found in Burien and Gig Harbor. As sometimes can happen when a news story is fast breaking, information can get misconstrued.

According to DFW, there are an estimated 3-9 additional sea lions floating in the water. This number is vague due to the fact that the same sea lion may be sighted over and over in different locations. This stresses the need for a dead animal onshore to be reported immediately so that authorities can mark and secure the animal for possible necropsy. Seal Sitters reminds you that when reporting any marine mammal onshore (dead or alive) give as precise a location as possible in a timely manner.




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