ET and volunteers spend bone-chilling day at boatramp

ET hauled out at the boatramp again yesterday morning. Volunteers spent the day in a drenching, cold rain making sure he was protected in this most vulnerable location. By late afternoon into early evening, we noticed some green “gook” on his eyes, sparking some concerns that perhaps his flipper infections were worsening his health. Photos were sent to the marine mammal research biologist and NOAA stranding expert for evaluation last evening. Once a pup’s immune system is compromised, they can take a turn all too suddenly for the worse. Rest assured that we are all keeping a watchful eye on ET’s health. ET finally made the long trek back down the ramp to Elliott Bay around 7:30 last night. As long as the pup is coming and going on his own and continuing to forage, there is no reason to intervene.




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