Uno's haulout streak continues on West Seattle's shore
Feb/03/18 08:01 PM

Lincoln Park: 1/4, 1/6, 1/15, 1/16
Cove 2: 1/18, 1/19
Cove 3: 1/21, 1/24, 1/25, 1/26, 1/28, 1/29, 1/31, 2/1, 2/2, 2/3
First Responder Robin was ready and waiting at Cove 3 early this morning, just as the high tide hit around 8am. Uno was there within minutes, swimming in close on a few passes, trying to determine if it was safe to come ashore. The signboards and cones were already in place and Robin was out of sight, yellow tape in hand. Uno flopped onto the beach and the cove was sealed off pronto.
Uno immediately fell sound asleep, a true picture of bliss with a tubby belly and pencil grin.
Arden was scheduler today and efficiently rounded up a great group of volunteers. Melinda took over First Responder duties at noon. Despite the usual crowd and traffic distractions, Uno managed to get some rest (though not quite as peaceful as the photo above, taken early morning). A number of passersby said, "Is that Uno?" Our celebrity weaner returned to Elliott Bay at 3:12 in the afternoon.
Yesterday’s First Responders David and Eilene discovered Uno at the cove around 10am (the beach was empty at an earlier check). Lori worked her scheduling magic and managed to get enough volunteers out to lend a hand.
Uno stayed until almost 5, at the end of another windy and cold day.