March at Alki on Saturday to help free captive orca Lolita
Jan/13/15 10:38 AM

Lolita, also known as Tokitae, is one of approximately 50 orcas taken from Washington waters in a deadly roundup, some of whom died during capture. Torn from her family, she has languished in captivity and isolation, performing daily in a small tank, for the last four decades.
People around the world will be marching on Saturday, continuing to apply pressure for her release. Read the plans for her return to the Northwest on OrcaNet. Read more about the event here.
Seattle Solidarity March for Lolita (event Facebook page)
When: Saturday, January 17th at 1pm
Where: Statue of Liberty Plaza at Alki Beach, West Seattle
(intersection of Alki Avenue SW and 61st Ave SW)
The release of the documentary film Blackfish exposed the dirty secrets of large cetacean captivity to a global audience, sparking outrage. Please, turn out in full-force for this event and show the world that residents of the Northwest will never forget the dark days of orca seizure and captivity - and in hopes we can prevent future ones. Help free this beautiful, intelligent and highly social being from her life of misery. Bring Lolita home.
Read Seal Sitters MMSN co-founder and nature writer Brenda Peterson’s informative and passionate Huffington Post article on the world-wide march and captive orcas here.