"Cloudy" and brisk day again at Lincoln Park

Yes, it certainly was Cloudy on this bitter cold day at Lincoln Park. Hotline Operator Susan called at 8:20 am with news of a pup just north of Colman Pool. A woman pointed the seal out to First Responder Lynn, who immediately started building a large perimeter using the signboards and stakes she lugged along the trail to the site. As volunteers arrived, they helped stretch tape and moved stakes with the rising tide. The young seal turned out to be Cloudy, the weaner that FR Robin responded to yesterday at the same spot. Several beach-goers stopped by to say they had noticed the pup as early as 7:30 this morning.

Scheduler Jonel contacted volunteers Bob, Jay, Melinda, Dave, Suzanne, Victoria, Susan, Carol and Lori, who helped out throughout the day. While Cloudy napped, we watched orcas, eagles, sea lions and sea birds out in Puget Sound. At 3:30pm, Cloudy suddenly awoke and scooted into the water, maybe joining another harbor seal seen foraging nearby. The perimeter was dismantled and everyone headed out.

As Lynn was walking out of the park, a man caught up with her and said a seal had just hauled out in front of the pool! Lynn dug out her binoculars from under a tangle of yellow tape and searched, but it was too dark to see. Volunteers Karen and Gordon arrived at the park just as volunteers had left, managed to find the seal and stayed with it for awhile. Seal Sitters’ policy is that volunteers leave the remote park at dark for safety reasons. We are not sure if it was Cloudy or another pup.

Kudos to Lynn for putting in such long, cold hours. All of you certainly get Cloudy's seal of approval for your work today!




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