Seal on the beach? Who to call

Following the recent stranded seal incident on Friday, June 5th, Seal Sitters has obtained some clarification from the NOAA Stranding Network as to protocol for reporting a marine mammal on the beach.

It is normal for a seal pup to be on the beach alone to rest and warm up. However, if you see a pup (or other marine mammal) on the beach, please call the NOAA Stranding Hotline @ 206-526-6733 to report the location of the animal. If the animal is on a West Seattle beach, please call Seal Sitters @ 206-905-7325. Be as precise as possible with a location. Neither of the above numbers are answered at night. Please leave a message with the information and a responder will search for the seal at first light the following morning.

If you see a marine mammal being harrassed or injured it is a 
matter for law enforcement. Call the NOAA Enforcement Hotline @ 1-800-853-1964 and tell them an animal is being harmed. If the animal or the public is in imminent danger, CALL 911. NOAA Enforcement is not an immediate response team, as there are limited officers in the Pacific Northwest. However, the line is answered 24 hours a day and a harassment should be reported to them immediately. They are an investigative unit and will fine and prosecute violators of the Marine Mammal Protection Act with the proper evidence ~ violator’s name, photo, or auto license plate number. Do not put yourself at risk to obtain this information. If you need a law enforcement presence because the public or animal is in imminent danger, call 911.




visit NOAA marine debris website