No sittin' for Seal Sitters as pups keep us on the run
Sep/26/12 08:09 AM

First up, a snoozing pup on the sand beneath the sea wall along Alki Avenue. The savvy woman who spotted the pup not only immediately called our hotline, but thwarted a woman and her off leash dog from scaring the pup back into the water or, worse, possibly injuring him/her. Our responder arrived within minutes of the call and quickly established a large perimeter to ensure the pup could rest undisturbed. Volunteers watched over the pup, nicknamed Skittles, until the tide forced him to return to the Sound around noon. In the photo, Skittles stretches and thermoregulates, circulating warmth through his body and regulating his temperature.
Volunteers searched the shoreline along Alki and all the way around Duwamish Head, anticipating the thin pup would seek another haulout. Eagle-eyed volunteer Eilene spotted Skittles nestled next to a large log at the north end of Alki Beach. Cones with stakes and sandwich boards were placed in strategic spots and taped stretched between them to create another crib of sorts for young Skittles to nap in peace. Around 7pm, Skittles swam far out into the Sound as the sun set and our volunteers went home happy. We’re hoping Skittles got lots of vittles to pack on some blubber.
The other two reports were of pups at Lincoln Park north of Colman Pool and a small beach just south of the ferry dock. Both pups went in the water before our responders arrived.
So, lots of pups are popping up. Keep alert and call the hotline at 206-905-7325 (SEAL). Thanks to all our dedicated volunteers who put in a very long day yesterday!