New volunteer training Saturday, March 9th
Feb/19/13 09:58 PM

A multi-media presentation will illustrate our educational work in the community and the unique challenges of protecting seals and other marine mammals in an urban environment. Included in the training is an overview of NOAA's Northwest Marine Mammal Stranding Network and biology and behavior of seals and other pinnipeds (due to time frame, supplementary sessions will include more marine mammals of Puget Sound). We will also be discussing our upcoming educational outreach project, Year of the Seal, culminated with the installation of a sculpture of a harbor seal mom and pup at Alki Beach. A followup on-the-beach session will be scheduled in the weeks to come.
There will be no training sessions during the height of pupping season (late summer - fall), due to time constraints on volunteers. However, there will be another training opportunity in May if you cannot attend this date. For additional questions and info or to be placed on a contact list for future training opportunities, please email us.
When: Saturday, March 9, 2013
Time: 10am-12pm
Where: Alki Congregational United Church, 6115 SW Hinds St (map it)
We have reached capacity for the training thanks to a tremendous response from potential volunteers.
To be placed on a contact list for future training opportunities, please email us.