3 seal pups in 3 days as pupping season hits our urban shores
Aug/23/14 09:01 AM

Unlike sea lions, harbor seals can’t rotate their rear flippers to aid in locomotion on land. Though highly acrobatic in the water, they move with a caterpillar-like motion on shore and are much more vulnerable as they seek rest and try to warm up. Never return a seal pup to the water - rest is critical to their survival. Sometimes, they will shiver as they try to regulate their body temperature. This is normal. Never wrap a pup in a towel or blanket - this can cause brain damage or death. It is illegal to touch, move or feed seal pups.
Quickly arriving at the park, Seal Sitters first responders established a perimeter with tape, cones and informational signs and talked to quite a number of people who expressed both interest and support. 6-year-old Alice named the pup Adventure, who settled in for a long nap between the beach logs. Volunteers stood watch in two-hour shifts until darkness fell in the park. Thanks to all the volunteers who put in a very long day yesterday!
Our first responder sought Adventure at 6am this morning, as the pink light of dawn reflected in the still, blue waters of the Sound. Thankfully, the beach was remarkably free from the usual illegally off-leash dogs. A handful of silhouetted fishermen cast their lines in hopes of snaring of one the few remaining cohos making their way north to Admiralty Inlet. The seal pup was no longer in his log hideaway and had not been seen by the fishermen. We assume Adventure returned to the water for a late-night snack or early breakfast - perhaps from mom, but more likely he is weaned and foraging on his own.
Please call our dedicated hotline at 206-905-SEAL (7325) if you see a seal pup (or other marine mammal) on the beach. Having extra eyes on the beach from the public greatly enables Seal Sitters MMSN to give pups the sanctuary they need - and deserve - on shore.