Leopard and Silkie nominated for Beverly Cleary Award

The children’s book Leopard and Silkie (One Boy’s Quest to Save the Seal Pups), co-authored by Seal Sitters’ founders Brenda Peterson (a National Geographic author) and Robin Lindsey (photographer), has recently been named as one of five finalists for the Oregon Library Association’s prestigious Beverly Cleary Award. Unlike most literary competitions, the winning book will be chosen by children, who must read at least two of the five nominated books. Voting will not take place until March and April of 2015. The book was also named by the National Science Teachers Association to the “2013 Outstanding Science Trade Books K-12” list.

Leopard and Silkie is based on the true story of two seal pups who befriended each other on the Elliott Bay shores of West Seattle. Woven into the storyline is young Seal Sitters volunteer Miles who helps protect them.

Seal Pup Rescue, is the early reader version of the book. Scholastic Books purchased 26,540 copies for their book fairs across the country. We are thrilled that so many children are learning about seal pups and the importance of protecting wildlife!

Visit the Leopard and Silkie website to learn more about the backstory of the book, our young volunteers and how kids can help wildlife.




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