Miracle seal ends haulout streak at 7 days
Mar/07/18 12:42 PM

Around 6:15 pm, with the rising tide surrounding her rock as it grew dark, Miracle entered the water and was last seen bottling in the black water, drifting to the north.
First Responder Lynn saw Miracle approach her favored haul-out early Tuesday morning, but then she disappeared and has not been seen since.
Surrounding shoreline has been checked frequently the past two days, including Jack Block Park, but still no sign of her - or any other young seals for that matter in our neck of Elliott Bay.
Today, First Responder Robin picked up a dead weaner at Weather Watch Park across from La Rustica Restaurant. The seal is definitely not Miracle. WDFW will perform the necropsy and we will let you know if there are any significant findings.