Sunny day brings pup and outreach

Yesterday, a pup hauled out in the sunshine at Lincoln Park. When our responder arrived on-scene after the hotline received a report, she found the very alert pup far from the water’s edge near the seawall trail - with people too close. She was surprised that with people that close, the pup had not returned to the Sound. After establishing a quick perimeter and being able to observe the pup’s behavior and body condition, she realized he was definitely on the thin side; most likely he did not return to the water because of his desparate need to rest. Sometimes that need outweighs being scared by two-legged giants.

Thankfully, the pup was able to sleep for several hours even with the bustle and murmur of people much closer than would normally be allowed. The crowd was extremely thoughtful and respectful towards both the pup and our volunteers. Volunteers distributed beach handouts and let people know it was normal behavior for a pup to be alone on the beach - and a reminder that all of the ones we are seeing in the area now are weaned and from last year’s season - no longer are moms around to feed and protect them. Yvonne (shown in photo above with Casey, Dana, Christine and Doris in the background) enjoyed her first day as a Seal Sitter volunteer. Volunteers watched over the pup, nicknamed Leo after the astrological sign ruled by the sun, until darkness fell.




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