Seal pup spends restful day with city skyline view
Oct/21/16 07:55 AM

Gazing out her condo window with its panoramic view of the Seattle skyline, West Seattle resident Connie was startled to see a small seal crawl ashore on the pocket beach below her. Grabbing her coat and camera, she dashed across Harbor Avenue to make sure no one scared the pup back into Elliott Bay before Seal Sitters could arrive. She immediately called our hotline @ 206-905-SEAL(7325).

Nicknamed Snow Cone, the seemingly healthy pup rested as Seal Sitters educated the public, including the periodic stream of Water Taxi commuters, and kept watch in shifts throughout the day and evening at this very scenic location. Divers were allowed through the far opposite end of the cove to access a popular dive site.
Around 8pm, with the skyline lights shimmering across the bay, Snow Cone returned to the dark waters for a late dinner and volunteers dispersed for their own late dinners. Thanks to the volunteers, some of whom are shown above, for keeping the pup safe.