Day 15 - Pebbles rested, volunteers exhausted
Sep/25/10 07:43 PM

Pebbles rested directly under the Marine Mammal Protection Act sign - one smart seal pup! The MMPA was written into law in 1972 to protect marine mammals from harassment and endangerment. NOAA recommends a distance of 100 yards from a marine mammal, but that is rarely possible in an urban setting. When Pebbles was hauling out at the cove near the Water Taxi, it was feasible to establish a rather large perimeter so that he might be undisturbed. When a pup hauls out in a situation such as the boat ramp or Alki Beach near a sea wall, however, it is much more of a challenge to protect the pups - yet still allow the public access to areas for work or play. Seal Sitters tries to find a reasonable balance so that all species can truly share the shore.